voice note
plural voice notes
A voice note is a reminder or note created by speaking into an electronic device.
I was recording voice notes on my phone as I got ready.
Tatum Hunter writes:
From house-party bathrooms to internet culture, voice notes are having a moment. Threading a needle between texting and calling, the audio messages are emerging as an alternative to typing on phones. Some say they’re a welcome peek into the emotional states of friends when in-person conversations are rare. Others watch the messages pile up and feel like they’re getting homework. Like all tech trends, the popularity of voice notes tells us about the connections people crave.
Voice notes, which the sender dictates out loud, got prime placement in Apple’s texting app Messages in 2014. Since then, they’ve been added to almost every major social media and messaging platform. Dating app Hinge lets users send voice notes — and those who do are 48 percent more likely to get a date, the company says. On TikTok, people joke that the long, rambling audio clips they send to their friends, partners or parents are “podcasts” based on the plot points of their everyday lives.
Bizarrely, the idea of podcasting to your friends clicks with me. Although I don’t do voice notes. Reminds me of voice mail, which I think of as a chore.
People who rely on voice notes are convinced they solve a problem. For the burned out, they’re a break from looking at screens. For the busy, they offer the convenience of talking without the commitment of a phone call. And in an email-and-Slack-drenched world where efficiency reigns, meandering voice notes can be a sweet source of intimacy, fans said.
But not too much intimacy. Unlike calling on the phone, voice notes don’t demand immediate or sustained attention, said Leora Trub, who runs the Digital Media and Psychology Lab at Pace University.
Yes, they remain an asynch medium, a category that text and email are being pushed out of, as people expect that they are dealt with as soon as possible.
Also this, from Natalie Daher:
A recent YouGov poll conducted by Vox found around 30% of respondents communicate via voice note "weekly, daily or multiple times a day," with around 43% of respondents between 18 and 29 years old saying they do so at least weekly.