Word of the Day: Quiet Vacationing
Because taking explicit time off makes you look less hard-working.
Quiet Vacationing
Workers taking time off without informing their employers.
Ana Randoli, in Employees Don't Want to Take PTO. They're Quiet Vacationing Instead, reports on another element of work life that people are quiet about:
Quiet vacationing is one of the hottest trends among hybrid and remote employees -- and one in eight workers plan on doing it this summer, according to a new survey from Resume Builder.
The term, similar to hush trips, means taking vacation days without informing one's employer. But employees aren't necessarily taking quiet vacation days because they are out of paid time off. In fact, nearly 50 percent of employees say they do not use all their PTO, according to a 2023 Pew Research report.
According to the Resume Builder survey, many workers are too anxious to ask for official time off: Around 30 percent of survey participants indicated they think using their PTO makes them look less hard-working, and about 40 percent thought it might impact their job security.